
This keeps going kinda brown on the leaves but also is contrantly pushing out new ones. Is it perhaps getting too much light? #Fern


Hi! I have my new plant. I just found this outside, abandoned. It's a little weak and some leaves are missing. I have many questions.
a. What succulent is this?
b. Leaves are a little weak and might fall off. Will these leaves stick back if I take care of the plant?
c. A leaf has been cut off. Will it grow back?
I want this plant to have the perfect shape again. Please help me out. Thank you!
a. What succulent is this?
b. Leaves are a little weak and might fall off. Will these leaves stick back if I take care of the plant?
c. A leaf has been cut off. Will it grow back?
I want this plant to have the perfect shape again. Please help me out. Thank you!

Edgar Enrique Solis de la Rosa:these plants love the sun, the substrate must be very drained and water once a week
meriunkat:Also when they received to much sunlight without training it to withstand the leaves will slouch
meriunkat:Usually if leaves are dry the plant is not getting enough water, if the leaves are mushy it is being overwatered which as a result could rot and die
meriunkat:However first decide whether the leaves are dry or mushy above all, this will help you decide weather it needs more water or less
meriunkat:New leaves grow from the top of the stem, a fallen leaf can be used to propagate, sometimes new leaves will grow from the bottom part of stem as a new plant

Hello! I am brand new to the succulent life. is anyone able to give me some pointers on these guys?

Zeketirtle:@Naisk thank you! I will implement this right away!
Naisk:@Zeketirtle That's too much, once a week is enough, the soil needs to be completely dry for 2-3 days before watering. Too much water will lead to root rot and the death of your plant, the rule of thumb for succulent is "less is better". When there's no more water in the soil, the plant will take the water in its leaves and make the roots tougher, then when you water them the leaves stock water back to normal level and wait for the next dry period. If you give too much water, the leaves take too much water leading to the yellowing and death of the leaf and the excess of water could rot the roots which like to be dry. I hope I made myself clear as english is not my mothertongue ;)
Zeketirtle:@Naisk I water them about 3-4 times a week. They get probably 6-7 hours of sun a day. Should I give the evecheveria a break for a day or two? Thanks for responding!
Naisk:Welcome! At which frequency do you water them? The evecheveria seems a bit overwatered that's why lower leaves turn yellow.
lrgarden:Welcome 😁

We've had a shuffle round upstairs so a lot of our plants are in new positions, hopefully for the better. I'm hoping this aloe will do well by the window