Pommy Mommy

I found this growing wild at my new house what is this?

Pommy Mommy:I think you are absolutely right, I was able to dig some of the stem out from under some black raspberry bushes and the roots must be ancient because they the stem/vine is HUGE! I've never seen sweet peas this large I always start them from seed every year so I don't even have flowers on mine yet. I'm renovating my dream home, which is 114 years old so there's at least a century of flowers planted around the yard that's been overgrown! thank you for your input. Have a blessed day
WHdeckgardener:maybe a sweet pea? smell sweet?
亚瑟塞尔:maybe it is kidney bean.

Spotted mold and dead roots on my Phal so repotted with fresh bark and sphagmum moss after cutting off dead roots. Hopefully it does well as it has been repotted too often. The leaves look great though including the new ones.


Why are my golden sedum's leaves wrinkling like this? i water it every 5 days and take it outside to get sun for most of the day, i live in zone 8. am i overwatering, underwatering, or am i giving it too much sun? i'm still relatively new when it comes to plant care, and id appreciate help from anyone.

shirly mei:To me they look like you have been overwatering them. Make sure that you use cactus soil and only water them when the soil is completely dry. I leave my golden sedum all day outside too and I water them maybe every 2 weeks
Fion:Maybe the roots aren't growing.
meriunkat:succulents only need 6 hours of sunlight
WHdeckgardener:hi, hard to say...I have had success using good draining soil...cactus if possible. they like sun..or indirect sun. once established I only watered when the pot felt light. then good drink.