When you don't want your Dracaena plant to grow any larger, repot the plant every third year to refresh to potting soil. Use the same size pot or one only slightly larger to confine the roots and slow growth. You can also control the height by simply cutting off the top of the plant. Two new stems will grow from the cut area within a few weeks.
When Dracaena become too tall, cut off the cane at any height. New leaf clusters will grow from just below where the cane was cut.
Wipe the Dracaena leaves with a soft, damp cloth to remove dust as necessary. Wipe the undersides of the leaves as well as the upper surfaces. Removing dust opens the pores so the plant can exchange air freely, and it may help prevent spider mites. Don't use commercial leaf shine products on dracaena plants.
When Dracaena become too tall, cut off the cane at any height. New leaf clusters will grow from just below where the cane was cut.
Wipe the Dracaena leaves with a soft, damp cloth to remove dust as necessary. Wipe the undersides of the leaves as well as the upper surfaces. Removing dust opens the pores so the plant can exchange air freely, and it may help prevent spider mites. Don't use commercial leaf shine products on dracaena plants.
花相册 (1)

Plants Encyclopdias

Name: Madagascar dragon tree
Latin: Dracaena marginata
Origin: Africa
Plant height: 50 - 150 cm
Reproduction: #Stems
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Africa #Dracaenamarginata
Latin: Dracaena marginata
Origin: Africa
Plant height: 50 - 150 cm
Reproduction: #Stems
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Africa #Dracaenamarginata
